Our Results Speak for Themselves – Choose an Experienced Michigan Attorney Who Knows How to Fight – and Win!
See our results for the following types of cases:
Police Misconduct: Framed for Murder - Excessive Force and Malicious Prosecution
Result: Client was found not guilty and received six figure settlement.

Our client was framed by Pontiac Police Officers for attempt murder of a police officer. He went to trial in the criminal case and was found not guilty of all charges that would have put him in prison for nearly 40 years. We alleged in our civil lawsuit that the main officer lied in his police report, lied to the prosecutor, lied on the stand at the preliminary examination and on the stand at the trial. We conducted our own investigation and proved that the officer lied about where our client originally ran and "threw" a gun. That was because the officer who lied was not aware that our client was wearing a global positioning satellite device (GPS tether) from an unrelated criminal matter that tracked him running in a different direction. Our client was vindicated in his criminal trial and this matter was settled for over six figures.
Police Misconduct - Excessive Force
Result: Client received a nearly six figure settlement.

Our client was tased and punched numerous times by the officers simply because he did not wish to engage in a conversation with one of the officers. Numerous officers broke into his home and attacked him while he held his daughter. Our client called all of the attorneys on TV and they all told him nobody would ever believe him. I believed him and recovered nearly six figures for him.
Police Misconduct - Racial Profiling and Excessive Force
Result: Client received handsome settlement.

Our client was racially profiled by an officer, who constantly pestered and bullied him for months. While being booked for a minor traffic offense, the officer chose to use excessive force and made our client while handcuffed. The video caught it all even though the department tried to cover up that there was video coverage. We recovered a great settlement for our client.
Police Misconduct - False Arrest
Result: Client received a nearly six figure settlement.

Our client told every single officer that he came into contact on the day of his arrest that they were arresting the wrong individual on an outstanding warrant. Every ranking officer said to not worry since the booking room fingerprinting process would prove if he was the wanted individual. Unfortunately, this identity crisis went unchecked for over 20 days while he sat in the Wayne County Jail. It was not until his criminal defense attorney was able to obtain a court ordered fingerprint analysis that he was able to prove that he was the wrong guy. The case was referred to us for civil litigation. Upon filing our civil lawsuit, the officers argued that it was just an honest mistake. That is until I exposed that there was a record in existence at the police department on the night of his arrest that actually showed that he did not match the fingerprints of the wanted individual. We obtained nearly a six figure settlement in this case.
Police Misconduct - Excessive Force
Result: Client received handsome settlement.

Our client was at his home when the officers arrived for a noise complaint. The officers viciously attacked my client, tased him and beat him while he was handcuffed. My client suffered a fractured orbital bone. This case settled for a great and undisclosed amount.
Police Misconduct - Excessive Force
Result: Client received handsome settlement.

Our client was at his home in Pontiac, when the Auburn Hills Police Department officers decided to break down his door, without a warrant or exigent circumstances and viciously attack him to simply ask him questions about a misdemeanor offense. The officers immediately requested to settle this matter as there was no doubt that our client's Constitutional Rights were violated.
Police Misconduct - Excessive Force
Result: Client received handsome settlement.

Our client was attending Pumpkin Fest when she was attacked by an unruly patron in the music tent. The officer decided to take matters into his own hand and manhandled our client causing severe damage to her shoulder and arms. This case settled for a very favorable settlement as we exposed the unlawful conduct of the officer and the many downfalls of the policies and procedures of the police department.
Police Misconduct - Excessive Force and Deliberate Indifference
Result: Client received one of the highest confidential seven figure settlements in Michigan for this cause of action.

Our client's husband was suffering from extreme psychosis. Officers from Ecorse responded to assist the emergency medical crew for his attempted suicide. Instead of helping him, they arrested him and tased him while handcuffed. He later died in the holding cell of the police department. We fought for over five years for justice in this case and took the case to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals reversing the very biased judge in the lower court….and won. The City of Ecorse feared trial against me and ultimately settled the case.
Criminal Sexual Conduct - First Degree
Result: Charges dropped.

My client was under investigation for alleged conduct that, if true, would have mandated an extremely long term of prison incarceration. The horrible allegations were accepted as truthful by the investigating detective, who is known in the community for aggressive tactics, and had previously pressured my client and others for a "statement." Once retained, we were able to conduct our own investigation and present that the complaining witnesses lacked credibility and provide proof of their biased motives against my client. Because we were able to show that the alleged conduct was fabricated before the police department was able to close the investigation against my client, no charges were approved and/or issued by the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office. My client's life was saved and as a result, they did not have to go through a costly and emotional trial to prove innocence.
Criminal Sexual Conduct - First Degree
Result: Charges dropped.

My client was under investigation for alleged conduct that mandated decades in prison. The allegations against my client were extremely harsh. Once retained, I was able to conduct a thorough investigation prior to the detective presenting the case for charges to the prosecutor's office. Our very own investigation of text messages, online social media, digital media and other evidence allowed us to prove that the complaining witness lacked credibility and no charges were approved and/or issued by the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office.
Criminal Sexual Conduct - Second Degree
Result: Charges dropped.

My client was under investigation for alleged conduct that mandated a lengthy prison term. Once retained, I was able to prove that the complaining witness was completely biased and full of lies in order to try to set up a civil lawsuit. My investigation revealed that the complainant wanted to only have a financial gain at the cost of framing an individual and this case was never charged saving my client from the stress of a very serious criminal case.
Criminal Sexual Conduct - Second Degree
Result: Found not guilty.

My client was charged with the extremely serious felony charge of Criminal Sexual Conduct 2nd Degree of a child under age 13. The penalty was a very lengthy prison term and sex offender registry for the rest of my client's life. I was retained after my client was charged with the offense. Although this case was extremely challenging, since everyone typically wants to believe a young person's testimony of such ill conduct, I exposed that the complainant's family had ulterior motives: child custody battles. My questioning at the preliminary examination led to my ability to show that the complainant was simply not credible. We chose to try the case even though my client was offered a misdemeanor. At trial I exposed so much bias on behalf of the investigative law enforcement agency (The Oakland County Sheriff's Department) that after the NOT GUILTY of all counts verdict was announced, members of the jury asked me if they could be witnesses in any subsequent civil case if we chose to go that route! We destroyed the case…. Justice was served.
Operating While Intoxicated
Result: Case dismissed.

My client was pulled over and investigated for a drunk driving after being involved in a property accident. My client tested over the legal limit and was here in our country on a work visa and applying to be a US citizen. A drunk driving conviction would likely have caused turmoil for my client’s in their efforts to continue to work here and become a citizen. After extensive negotiations, the drunk driving misdemeanor was DISMISSED. My client will continue to work here and will likely have no issues from this incident in applying for citizenship.
Probation Violation
Result: Probation terminated.

My client failed to report to the Oakland County judge that he was charged with a new offense and had police contact. The probation officer requested a 1-year jail sentence. I was able to walk my client out of that courtroom and get the entire term of probation terminated. Not only did my client not do a single day in jail, he is no longer on probation. Case closed 1 year early.
Drug Charge - Felony Possession
Result: Reduced charges and no jail time.

My client was charged with felony and misdemeanor drug possession and other driving counts. Law Enforcement thought that they had a slam dunk case on the felony drug possession charge since the drugs were allegedly "found" in my client's shoe that he was wearing. I utilized the preliminary examination to lock the officers into the lies and later impeached them at trial. The jury came back hung on the slam dunk felony charge which resulted in the Oakland County Prosecutor's office dismissing the felony charge. My client then chose to plead to a misdemeanor with a mere $100 fine and no probation. Most of the jurors later said that they will never trust any officers from this particular department since I exposed so many lies.
Theft - Shoplifting
Result: Case dismissed.

My client was charged with stealing a phone from a retail establishment. The penalty for this charge in the 48th District Court would likely mandate a jail sentence and my client chose to fight for justice at a jury trial. After extensive cross examination of the investigating officer and various store personnel, the judge DISMISSED the case by granting my request for a directed verdict in the middle of the trial: That means that the case was dismissed based on my compelling arguments and the granting of the motion ended the case FOREVER. My client walked out of the courthouse relieved and happy-- where many other defendants typically remain in the court's lockup crying. Once again, justice was served.
Assault - Domestic Violence
Result: Client found not guilty.

My client was charged with domestic violence. We aggressively pursued a self-defense claim before Judge MacKenzie. My cross examination of the complainant exposed facts that created reasonable doubt. And where there is reasonable doubt, there is a finding of NOT GUILTY. My client was very thankful and remained free of any convictions in this matter.
Felony Firearm Possession, Felony Narcotics Possession & Manufacturing
Result: Case dismissed.

My client was facing a mandatory long prison term for felony firearm, felon in possession of a firearm and manufacturing/distributing narcotics. The Oakland County Sheriff's Department deputies claimed that my client gave "consent" to search a home that was found to contain weapons, narcotics and suspect narcotic packaging. I filed a motion to suppress all of the weapons/narcotics found based on a lack of credibility of the officers in how they obtained "consent" to search the home. The judge agreed with me that the officer was not credible (lying) and suppressed all of the evidence in this case. The entire case was DISMISSED. The prosecutor appealed the judge's rulings… and the Michigan Court of Appeals agreed. Cop lied = CASE DISMISSED. You can read the Court of Appeals decision here.
Narcotics Possession
Result: Case dismissed.

My client was traveling in his vehicle with a large amount of illegal controlled substances. The police pulled him over for a traffic stop and later recovered all of the drugs after a K9 search. I filed a motion to suppress the drugs because once again, the police officers failed to follow the law. MOTION GRANTED---CASE DISMISSED.
Felony Firearm Possession, Felony Narcotics Possession & Manufacturing
Result: Case dismissed.

My client was facing his second Minor In Possession (MIP) charge before a very harsh sentencing judge in Rochester Hills. I filed a motion to suppress the evidence and the prosecutor agreed that the officer violated my client's Constitutional Rights. The case was DISMISSED!
Assault - Domestic Violence
Result: Case dismissed.

My client faced multiple counts of domestic violence in two separate district courts. My investigation revealed that the complainant had serious credibility issues. I presented the evidence to the prosecutors and both cases were DISMISSED before going to trial.
Assault - Domestic Violence
Result: Reduced to 1 misdemeanor

My client faced over 12 counts of felony charges and faced deportation to a war torn country. We were able to dismiss all of the felony counts, plead guilty to 1 misdemeanor count allowing continued residency in the United States… and NO JAIL. An absolute success on all fronts for this client.
Felony Firearm Possession and Armed Robbery
Result: Case Dismissed

My client faced a mandatory prison term of 2 years for felony firearm and nearly 35 additional months for Armed Robbery. My successful approach to the case persuaded the prosecutor to dismiss the felony firearm charge. The judge in the matter agreed with my arguments at sentencing and felt compelled to do a "downward departure." Instead of sending my client to prison for nearly 35 months on the Armed Robbery charge, he chose to follow my recommendation and allow a sentence of probation with a tether. My client has called me numerous times to thank me for the success in this case.
Felony Firearm Possession and Armed Robbery
Result: Favorable Resolution

My client made a terrible decision in Oakland County when he chose to rob a pizza delivery guy with a gun. The police recovered a weapon and there were many incriminating statements made by my client. He was looking at a mandatory prison term of incarceration for nearly five to seven years. I was able to obtain a favorable resolution which resulted in NO JAIL, probation and the convictions will not be on my client’s permanent record.
Felon in Possession of Firearm / Felony Firearm
Result: Case Dismissed

My client was driving his vehicle with a loaded gun in Oakland County. He was looking at a mandatory minimum of five years prison incarceration or possibly more due to the judge that he was assigned. After reviewing the case I was able to point out to the prosecutor that the police unlawfully obtained the weapon after the vehicle was pulled over. The case was completely DISMISSED. My client continues to enjoy his life of freedom.
Delivery and Manufacturing of a Controlled Substance
Result: Charges significantly reduced.

My client was charged in numerous cases with a number of narcotic related charges, including delivery and manufacturing 50-449 grams of a controlled substance. The term of prison incarceration was potentially 8 years for these charges. Our successful approach to the case allowed a plea of guilty to only one related count. Thus, my client served a very minimal amount of time in the county jail (less than 10 days after sentencing) and probation.
Drug Trafficking
Result: Reduced sentence.

My client faced incarceration for involvement in importing over 10 pounds of marijuana from another state. My client was sentenced to only a fine of approximately $250.00.
Result: Reduced sentence.

My client faced a year in jail for a bar fight that left the complainant in the hospital with a severe closed head injury. My approach to the case allowed a reduction in the charges and he received probation with no jail.